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The Divine Selfqare Strategy is bound help you towards total body alignment.
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An open letter to all the Kings and Queens of the future,
If you’ve ever sat around the fireplace with your grandmother as she narrates stories of the old while her fingers carefully flip through delicate pages of an old photo album, then you know the feeling I’m referring to.
With time you carry her wisdom, intertwine it with yours, and descend it upon the generations that are to come behind you.
Most people have been doing this unintentionally, without realizing what an important link they are to a chain that has been built across multiple generations.
Mark Twain once highlighted the two most important days in a person’s life: the day you are born and the day you find out why.
Well, not everyone will discover their Divine Purpose in life, but my life story unveils quite differently.
I could say that I was lucky, but I know that I’d be holding back. In truth, my life has been nothing short of discovery. Guided on the path set for me by the Most High, I can say that I have been blessed with the guidance that led generations of those who came before me to freedom, health, and spiritual perseverance.
As I filled each page of my book to present to the world, I couldn’t help but ponder over how moments of my life experiences seemed pointed toward the need to carry forth this message of ancient wisdom to future generations. In fact, I believe it is because doing so is one of my greatest reasons for existing here today.
I wrote the Divine SelfQare Strategy- so that you can follow my journey. The one that not only led me to create a matriarch’s healing and survival guide for her offspring but which sends out into the world a powerful message of healing that comes only when we remember our true identity—and the wisdom of our ancestors.
Sheila Brown
Could this language, which has become synonymous with historical figures like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, and Harriet Jacobs—each of whom were forced to struggle and fight to experience freedom and exercise the fullness of their personal autonomy— contain a message for the people of today who find themselves struggling to maintain autonomy over their own bodies and individual freedom?
And what about the spirituals they sang, or the speeches they orated? Could they, along with the biographies that purport to narrate their lives, reveal something deeper and more complex than the literal meaning of words expressed in them?
What if we told you there was more?
As an author and Divine SelfQare Practitioner, Sheila Brown unveils the secrets that reconnect present generations to the same source of knowledge and power that once empowered their ancestors with the might to overcome bondage.
Each chapter takes you on a journey alongside the formerly enslaved people and their descendants to use their sacred knowledge of natural medicine and healing modalities to free themselves from the chains of slavery and a kind of medical exploitation that ran along a spectrum of two extremes: total neglect or unimaginable violence.
It was their belief in the Most High and their wisdom that led them to freedom and empowerment. It is through revelation of these secrets that the Divine SelfQare philosophy of this book emerges.
With every new page, The Divine SelfQare Strategy creates a paradigm shift in ways our generation can pursue health and wellness by looking beyond surface beauty such as facials, manicures, and pedicures, and refocusing on ancient wellness traditions that beautify both body and mind.
From the depths of hidden texts and scripts, along with the oral tradition of ancestral African women, Sheila narrates her book to her future grand and, possibly, great-grandchildren.
Through her writing, she expresses inner thoughts and divine insights about the past to allow the reader to deeply immerse into a conversation between a wise native old woman, teaching her adoring grandchildren about the beautiful concepts of this book.
From her words, dripping with wisdom, the reader can hear her educate her grandchildren about the ancient ways of her people—regaling well-hidden secrets of her ancestors and their ingenuity during slavery, and way beyond that period to a peaceful and prosperous time during the reigning of great Ethiopian empires.
Sheila specializes in self-healing with herbal blends and essential oils. Her divine selfcare process results in “Total Body Alignment” by focusing our attention or maintaining and securing the health of the head, womb, and feet. According to Sheila, Total Body Alignment, is an ancient health practice used by our ancestors. It is this return to reliance on the healing properties of plants and the application of essential oils that will ensure we are able to restore, maintain and even heal our bodies naturally from various manifestations of disease in the tumultuous periods
Sheila is a self-taught wellness practitioner whose multifaceted approach to womb wellness and divine selfcare not only requires the use of plants as herbs and essential oils, but also incorporates healthy plant-based eating, mindful self-control, fasting, and exercise.
By using this system, Sheila restored her own health, dropping 135 lbs. naturally in just 15 months! In the process, she also reversing several other potentially deadly health issues she faced because of being out of divine alignment. “I was determined to recover from my own physical ailments without surgical intervention, weight loss pills, weight trainers, or consultants,” she explained during one of her recent interviews discussing her free-eBook, Divinity Soup, an ancestor inspired recipe starring Collard Greens and the role her grandmother’s cooking style played in the journey.
Sheila believes that as Daughters of the Most High, we are entitled to experience and be in a state of Divine Health the duration of our lives. The principles she employs are founded on this spiritual science, but she also recognizes that world and its current conditions will require us to work hard and even fight to sustain divine health.
She defines Divine Health as being in excellent physical condition, possessing a sound mind, and experiencing spiritual balance at any age.
For more information about Total Body Alignment or Divine Health Coach & Strategist, Sheila Brown, please visit queendomqare.com.